.. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY-4.0) Copyright 2023 - 2024, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. _gui_menu: The menu ======== The main user interaction with the GUI is controlled by the toolbar to the left and the frames itself. The menu includes some functions which are not used as frequently. **This documentation page covers the menu bar, not the toolbar.** pydidas menu structure ---------------------- - File - GUI state The *GUI state* submenu includes entries to save and restore the UI state as discussed above. - Store GUI state The *Store* entry will store the current state in an automatically handled file. The file location depends on the operating system and is handled through Qts QStandardPaths. A dialog asks for confirmation before actually writing the file to disk. - Export GUI state The *Export* entry will query the user to select a file to store the state. The file content is similar to the *Store* action but the file can be placed anywhere in the filesystem and therefore allows to share state between different users or machines. - Restore GUI state The *Restore* entry will open a dialog to confirm that the user wants to restore the UI state from pydidas's automatically handled state file. If confirmed, all pydidas objects are updated and the GUI view is changed to the active view. (Corresponding saver: *Store GUI state*) - Restore GUI state at exit The *Restore at Exit* entry will open a dialog to confirm that the user wants to restore the UI state from pydidas's automatically handled exit state file. If confirmed, all pydidas objects are updated and the GUI view is changed to the active view when last closing the GUI. .. warning:: The stored state at exit is written when the GUI closes correctly, i.e. this state will not be updated upon a crash or upon terminating the process using OS tools. Therefore, the exit state is not necessarily the state when the user last used the pydidas GUI. - Import The *Import* entry will open a file selection dialog to select a file with the UI state to be restored. .. note:: No additional confirmation is required, selecting a file is sufficient. To abort, simple use the **Cancel** button (or the :py:data`Esc` key) in the file selection dialog, this will stop the import. - Exit This action will close the pydidas GUI **without confirmation**. - Tools - Export Eiger Pixelmask This menu item will open a small window which allows the user to specify an Eiger-written *master* file which includes detector metadata, including the detector pixelmask and an output filename to write the exported mask. - Images series processing The *Image series processing* menu entry opens a new window to proces a series of images. This allows a user, for example, to average calibration data. For more information, please refer to the :ref:`Image series operations window manual `. - Edit detector mask This menu entry will open a window to define and edit a detector mask. For more information, please refer to the corresponding :ref:`Mask editor window manual `. - Clear local log filesystem Using this menu entry will try to clear all written pydidas log files from the local file system. - Options - User config The User config entry opens a window to modify user preferences like colormaps, default detector masks, or the plugin paths. For more information, please see the :ref:`User config manual `. - Settings The settings menu entry will open a window with global settings like multiprocessing and memory configuration. For more information, please refer to the documentation in the :ref:`Global settings window manual `. - Help - Open documentation in browser Using this menu entry will open the documentation home in a new tab in the operating system's default web browser. - Open feedback form The *open feedback form* will open the pydidas feedback form in a new web browser tab. The feedback form allows to submit bug reports, improvement suggestions or questions. - Pydidas paths This entry will open a small window with information about the local paths in which log files and configuration files are placed by the pydidas application. - Check for update Using this option will require an active internet connection. Pydidas will check the latest release version on Github and compare the remote version number with the locally installed version. The result will be supplied to the user in a pop-up window. - About The about window has copyright information and links to the pydidas homepage and github home.