.. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY-4.0) Copyright 2023 - 2024, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. _manually_set_beamcenter_window: Manually Set Beamcenter Window ============================== The *Manually set beamcenter window* allows to select the beamcenter in detector pixel coordinates, either by setting the pixel position directly or by using a graphical interface. The functionality is limited in the sense that a perfect detector orientation is assumed (i.e. all rotations are zero) and it is not possible to optimize rotations. If that is required, please perform a full calibration. .. image:: images/set_bc_overview.png :align: center :width: 600 The left side offers controls, the central panel is a list to view and edit points selected in an image and am image plot is shown on the right. .. include:: ../beamcenter/bc_image_display.rst .. include:: ../beamcenter/point_list.rst Controls ^^^^^^^^ File input """""""""" .. include:: ../beamcenter/file_input.rst Beamcenter selection """""""""""""""""""" .. image:: images/set_bc_controls.png :align: left The beamcenter position (in detector pixel coordinates) can be set directly, if it is known. The following control buttons are availabe: - **Set selected point as beamcenter**: This button requires to have marked exactly one point in the image. Clicking this button will take that point's coordinates as the new beamcenter. Note that the list of points must have exactly one entry, not one selected entry. - **Fit beamcenter with circle**: All points in the list will be used as coordinates to fit a circle. The center will be taken as new beamcenter and the fitted circle will be shown as overlay in the image. - **Fit beamcenter with ellipse**: Similar to the button above, but an ellipse instead of a circle is used to find the beamcenter. Fitting an ellipse requires selecting at least 5 points on the circumference. The last button at the bottom, "Comfirm selected beamcenter" will close the window and convert the selected beamcenter to pyFAI PONI coordinates and update the DiffractionExperiment.