The data_io sub-package#

The data_io subpackage includes functionality to load and save data in various formats.

class pydidas.data_io.IoMaster(clsname: str, bases: list[type], attrs: dict)#

Metaclass to manage imports and exporters for different file types.

classmethod clear_registry()#

Clear the registry and remove all items.

classmethod export_to_file(filename: Path | str, data: ndarray, **kwargs: dict)#

Export the data to file using the exporter based on the extension.

  • filename (str) – The full filename and path.

  • data (np.ndarray) – The data to be exported.

  • **kwargs (dict) – Any kwargs which should be passed to the underlying exporter.

classmethod get_registered_formats(mode: Literal['import', 'export'] = 'import')#

Get the names and file extensins of all registered formats.


mode (Literal["import", "export"]) – The mode to use: Choose between import and export. The default is import.


A dictionary with <format name> : <extensions> entries.

Return type:


classmethod get_string_of_formats(mode: Literal['import', 'export'] = 'import')#

Get a list of strings with the different formats and extensions.

This class method is designed to have an easy way of creating the required lists for QFileDialog windows.


mode (Literal["import", "export"]) – The mode to use: Choose between import and export. The default is import.


The string entries for each format and one entry for all formats, each separated by a “;;”.

Return type:


classmethod import_from_file(filename: Path | str, **kwargs: dict) Dataset#

Import data from a file, using the importer based on the extension.

  • filename (Union[Path, str]) – The full filename and path.

  • **kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for the concrete importer implementation call.


The imported Dataset.

Return type:


classmethod is_extension_registered(extension: str, mode: Literal['import', 'export'] = 'import')#

Check if the extension of filename corresponds to a registered class.

The extension is stored without the leading dot. If the given extension includes a leading dot, it is stripped before checking the extension. This behaviour allows to use pathlib.Path instances’ suffix property to be used directly.

  • extension (str) – The extension to be checked. If the extension includes a leading dot, it is stripped.

  • mode (Literal["import", "export"]) – The mode to use: Choose between import and export. The default is import.


Flag whether the extension is registered or not.

Return type:


classmethod register_class(new_class: type, update_registry: bool = False)#

Register a class as object for its native extensions.

  • new_class (type) – The class to be registered.

  • update_registry (bool, optional) – Keyword to allow updating / overwriting of registered extensions. The default is False.


KeyError – If an extension associated with new_class has already been registered and update_registry is False.

classmethod verify_extension_is_registered(ext: str, mode: Literal['import', 'export'] = 'import', filename: str | None = None)#

Verify the extension is registered with the MetaClass.

  • ext (str) – The file extension

  • mode (str[import, export], optional) – The mode to use: Choose between import and export. The default is import.

  • filename (Union[None, str]) – The filename of the file to be checked.


UserConfigError – If the extension is not registered.

pydidas.data_io.export_data(filename: str | Path, data: ndarray, **kwargs: dict)#

Export data to a file using the pydidas.data_io.IoMaster metaclass.

  • filename (Union[str, pathlib.Path]) – The filename to be used for the exported data.

  • data (Union[np.ndarray, pydidas.core.Dataset]) – The data to be exported.

  • **kwargs (dict) – Any keyword arguments. These will be passed to the implemented exporter and the supported keywords vary depending on the selected file extension.

pydidas.data_io.import_data(filename: str | Path, **kwargs: dict) Dataset#

Import data from a file using the pydidas.data_io.IoMaster metaclass.

  • filename (Union[str, pathlib.Path]) – The filename to be used for the exported data.

  • **kwargs (dict) – Any keyword arguments. These will be passed to the implemented importer and the supported keywords vary depending on the selected file extension.