Running pydidas workflows from the command line#

Required information#

To run pydidas workflows (as defined in the WorkflowTree) with parallelization support from the command line, the following information must be provided by the user:

  • The WorkflowTree to be used.

  • The Scan configuration.

  • The DiffractionExperiment configuration.

  • An output directory to save the results. Note that this directory must be empty or an overwrite flag must be given.

Pydidas includes the ExecuteWorkflowRunner class to facilitate running workflows from the command line.

The ExecuteWorkflowRunner#

The ExecuteWorkflowRunner is designed to be easily used from a script, but all the required information can also be passed as keyword arguments.

One of its main features is that it creates and handles an event loop of a QApplication to allow pydidas processing to communication using Qt’s signals and slots.


The ExecuteWorkflowRunner supports the following keywords:

  • workflow

  • scan

  • diffraction_exp

  • output_directory

  • verbose

  • overwrite

All keywords also have a parsed equivalent, as described below:

Keyword name

Accepted types

equivalent parsed arg



Path, str, WorkflowTree

-workflow / -w

The parsed argument can only be used to point to files with exported WorkflowTree instances.


Path, str, Scan

-scan / -s

The parsed argument can only be used to point to files with exported Scan instances.


Path, str, DiffractionExperiment

-diffraction_exp / -d

The parsed argument can only be used to point to files with exported DiffractionExperiment instances.


Path, str

–output_dir / -o




Flag to enable printed status messages to the terminal.




Flag to enable overwriting of files and export results to existing, non-empty directories.

Running a workflow#

Running a workflow is very simple and only requires calling the py:method:process_scan <pydidas.apps.execute_workflow_runner.ExecuteWorkflowRunner.process_scan> method, as shown in the example below.

import pydidas

def run_workflow():
    executor = pydidas.apps.ExecuteWorkflowRunner(

if __name__ == '__main__':

The code above will execute the workflow, save the results in the given directory and exit the event loop for additional user input. Please be aware that the call to the ExecuteWorkflowRunner must be made from within a function due to using of python’s :py:module:`multiprocessing` module.


All the keywords from the initialization can also be given in the py:method:process_scan <pydidas.apps.execute_workflow_runner.ExecuteWorkflowRunner.process_scan> method, for example:


Batch processing#

Batch processing is easily done as it only requires to update the necessary information between py:method:process_scan <pydidas.apps.execute_workflow_runner.ExecuteWorkflowRunner.process_scan> calls.

For example, running the same workflow for multiple scans can be done as follows:

>>> import pydidas
>>> executor = pydidas.apps.ExecuteWorkflowRunner(
...     workflow='/home/username/data/experiment/workflow.yml',
...     diffraction_exp='/home/username/data/experiment/exp.yml',
... )
>>> for i_scan in range(1, 6):
...     executor.process_scan(
...         scan=f'/home/username/data/experiment/scan{i_scan:02d}.yml',
...         output_dir=f'/home/username/data/experiment/results/scan{i_scan:02d}',
...     )

Command line script#

Pydidas also includes a ready-to-use script to execute from the command line. It is called and is located in the pydidas_scripts directory.

If pydidas was installed with pip, a run-pydidas-workflow entrypoint was created and can be used. Otherwise, simply call the script with the python interpreter:

python pydidas_scripts/
    -workflow /home/username/data/experiment/workflow.yml
    -scan /home/username/data/experiment/scan01.yml
    -diffraction_exp /home/username/data/experiment/exp.yml
    -output_dir /home/username/data/experiment/results/scan01