
The pydidas.workflow.processing_tree_io package includes importers/exporters for the WorkflowTree in different formats as well as a registry metaclass to handle actual imports/exports.

class pydidas.workflow.processing_tree_io.ProcessingTreeIoBase#

Base class for WorkflowTree exporters.

This class defines the format_name and extensions attributes for all ProcessingTreeIo classes.

class pydidas.workflow.processing_tree_io.ProcessingTreeIoMeta(clsname, bases, attrs)#

Metaclass for WorkflowTree exporters and importers which holds the registry with all associated file extensions for exporting WorkflowTrees.

classmethod export_to_file(filename: Path | str, tree: WWorkflowTree, **kwargs: dict)#

Call the export_to_file method associated with extension of the filename.

  • filename (Union[Path, str]) – The full filename and path.

  • tree (pydidas.workflow.WorkflowTree) – The instance of the WorkflowTree

  • kwargs (dict) – Any kwargs which should be passed to the udnerlying exporter.

classmethod import_from_file(filename: Path | str) WWorkflowTree#

Call the concrete import_from_file method in the subclass registered to the extension of the filename.


filename (Union[Path, str]) – The full filename and path.


The new WorkflowTree instance.

Return type:
