Generic Parameters#

This page gives a full list of all available generic Parameters as a reference.


For accessing generic Parameters, use get_generic_parameter to access individual Parameters and get_generic_param_collection to create a new ParameterCollection from generic Parameters.

Examples are given below:

>>> from pydidas.core import get_generic_parameter
>>> from pydidas.core import get_generic_param_collection
>>> filename_param = get_generic_parameter('filename')
>>> filename_param
Parameter <filename: . (type: Path, default: .)>
>>> generic_params = get_generic_param_collection('filename', 'n_files')
>>> generic_params
{'filename': Parameter <filename: . (type: Path, default: .)>,
'n_files': Parameter <n_files: 0 (type: Integral, default: 0)>}

List of generic Parameters#

Generic Parameters are sorted by their use case. The following sections are available:





type : str
default : Angstrom
name : d-spacing unit
choices : [‘Angstrom’, ‘nm’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The output d-spacing unit. Å for Angstroms and nm for nanometers.





type : int
default : 1000
name : Num points radial integration
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of bins in radial direction for the pyFAI integration.


type : str
default : 2theta / deg
name : Radial unit
choices : [‘Q / nm^-1’, ‘Q / A^-1’, ‘r / mm’, ‘2theta / deg’, ‘2theta / rad’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The unit and type of the azimuthal profile.


type : str
default : Full detector
name : Radial range
choices : [‘Full detector’, ‘Specify radial range’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Toggle to limit the radial integration range or use the full data range. If ‘Specify radial range’ is used, boundaries need to be defined in the lower and upper radial range Parameters.


type : float
default : 0
name : Radial lower range
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The lower boundary of the radial integration range. This setting is only used if the ‘Specify radial range’ is set. This value needs to be given in the unit selected as radial unit.


type : float
default : 0
name : Radial upper range
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The upper boundary of the radial integration range. This setting is only used if ‘Specify radial range’ is set. This value needs to be given in the unit selected as radial unit.


type : int
default : 1000
name : Num points azimuthal integration
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of bins in azimuthal direction for the pyFAI integration.


type : str
default : chi / deg
name : Azimuthal unit
choices : [‘chi / deg’, ‘chi / rad’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The unit and type of the azimuthal profile.


type : str
default : Full detector
name : Azimuthal range
choices : [‘Full detector’, ‘Specify azimuthal range’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Toggle to limit the azimuthal integration range or use the full data range. If ‘Specify azimuthal range’ is used, boundaries need to be defined in the lower and upper azimuthal range Parameters.


type : float
default : 0
name : Azimuthal lower range
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The lower boundary of the azimuthal integration range. This setting is only used if ‘Specify azimuthal range’ is set. This value needs to be given in the unit selected as azimuthal unit.


type : float
default : 0
name : Azimuthal upper range
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The upper boundary of the azimuthal integration range. This setting is only used if ‘Specify azimuthal range’ is set. This value needs to be given in the unit selected as azimuthal unit.


type : float
default : 20
name : Azimuthal sector width
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The width of each azimuthal sector (in azimuthal units).


type : str
default : 0; 90; 180; 270
name : Azimuthal sector centers
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The centers of the azimuthal sectors to be integrated (in azimuthal units). Separate multiple sectors by semicolons.


type : str
default : CSR
name : PyFAI integration method
choices : [‘CSR’, ‘CSR OpenCL’, ‘CSR full’, ‘CSR full OpenCL’, ‘LUT’, ‘LUT OpenCL’, ‘LUT full’, ‘LUT full OpenCL’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The integration method. For a full reference, please visit the pyfai documentation available at:


type : str
default : Azimuthal integration
name : Integration direction
choices : [‘Azimuthal integration’, ‘Radial integration’, ‘2D integration’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The integration direction.


type : str
default : Custom detector
name : Detector model
choices : [‘Custom detector’]
unit :
allow_None : None
tooltip : The model name of the detector.


type : float
default : 0.99
name : Polarization factor
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The Polarization factor. Must be a number between -1 (vertical) and +1 (horizontal). 0 corresponds to circular polarizazion, None corresponds to no correction.


type : bool
default : True
name : Correct solid angle
choices : [True, False]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The correct solid angle Parameter in pyFAI (de)activates the correction for the solid angle of the detector pixels. Detector pixels further away from the beam axis see a smaller projected intensity. Using this parameter allows to correct for this effect, if set to True.





type : int
default : 1
name : Scan dimensionsionality
choices : [1, 2, 3, 4]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The scan dimensionality. This defines the number of processed dimensions.


type : str
default :
name : Scan name/title
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The scan name or title. This is used exclusively for reference in result exporters.


type : Path
default :
name : Scan base directory path
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The absolute path of the base directory in which to find this scan. Note that indivual plugins may automatically discover and use subdirectories. Please refer to the specific InputPlugin in use for more information.


type : Path
default :
name : The scan naming pattern
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The pattern used for naming scan (files). Use hashes ‘#’ for wildcards which will be filled in with numbers for the various files. Note that individual plugins may use this Parameter for either directory or file names. Please refer to the specific InputPlugin in use for more information.


type : int
default : 0
name : First filename number
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of the first file to be used in processing. This number will be applied as offset in the scan naming pattern to identify the respective filename for scan points.


type : int
default : 1
name : Frame index stepping
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The stepping of the index in frames. A value of n corresponds to only using every n-th index. For example, an index stepping of 3 with an offset of 5 would process the frames 5, 8, 11, 14 etc.
Please note that the index stepping refers to the frames, not the filenames. In the case of container files (e.g. hdf5), the index stepping will skip process every n-th frame, not every n-th file.


type : str
default : Average
name : Multi-image handling
choices : [‘Average’, ‘Sum’, ‘Maximum’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Define the handling of images if multiple images were acquired per scan point. If all individual images should be kept, please set the scan multiplicity to 1 and add an additional dimension with the multiplicity to the scan.


type : int
default : 1
name : Image multiplicity
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of images acquired at each scan point. The default of ‘1’ corresponds to one image per scan point. Please note that the value for the multiplicity will be multiplied with the number of scan points. If this setting is used for ‘averaging’ images, please reduce the number of scan points correspondingly.


type : str
default :
name : Name of scan direction 0
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The axis name for scan direction 0. This information will only be used for labelling.


type : str
default :
name : Name of scan direction 1
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The axis name for scan direction 1. This information will only be used for labelling.


type : str
default :
name : Name of scan direction 2
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The axis name for scan direction 2. This information will only be used for labelling.


type : str
default :
name : Name of scan direction 3
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The axis name for scan direction 3. This information will only be used for labelling.


type : int
default : 0
name : Number of scan points (dir. 0)
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The total number of scan points in scan direction 0. The number of points is one higher than the number of intervals.


type : int
default : 0
name : Number of scan points (dir. 1)
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The total number of scan points in scan direction 1. The number of points is one higher than the number of intervals.


type : int
default : 0
name : Number of scan points (dir. 2)
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The total number of scan points in scan direction 2. The number of points is one higher than the number of intervals.


type : int
default : 0
name : Number of scan points (dir. 3)
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The total number of scan points in scan direction 3. The number of points is one higher than the number of intervals.


type : float
default : 1
name : Step width in direction 0
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The step width between scan points in direction 0.


type : float
default : 1
name : Step width in direction 1
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The step width between scan points in direction 1.


type : float
default : 1
name : Step width in direction 2
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The step width between scan points in direction 2.


type : float
default : 1
name : Step width in direction 3
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The step width between scan points in direction 3.


type : float
default : 0
name : Offset of direction 0
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The coordinate offset of the movement in scan direction 0 (i.e. the counter / motor position for scan step #0).


type : float
default : 0
name : Offset of direction 1
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The coordinate offset of the movement in scan direction 1 (i.e. the counter / motor position for scan step #0).


type : float
default : 0
name : Offset of direction 2
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The coordinate offset of the movement in scan direction 2 (i.e. the counter / motor position for scan step #0).


type : float
default : 0
name : Offset of direction 3
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The coordinate offset of the movement in scan direction 3 (i.e. the counter / motor position for scan step #0).


type : str
default :
name : Unit of direction 0
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The unit of the positions in scan direction 0.


type : str
default :
name : Unit of direction 1
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The unit of the positions in scan direction 1.


type : str
default :
name : Unit of direction 2
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The unit of the positions in scan direction 2.


type : str
default :
name : Unit of direction 3
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The unit of the positions in scan direction 3.


type : int
default : 0
name : Scan dim. 0 index
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The position index for the scan dimension 0.


type : int
default : 0
name : Scan dim. 1 index
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The position index for the scan dimension 1.


type : int
default : 0
name : Scan dim. 2 index
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The position index for the scan dimension 2.


type : int
default : 0
name : Scan dim. 3 index
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The position index for the scan dimension 3.

Data import#




type : Path
default :
name : Filename
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The file name of the input file.


type : str
default :
name : Current input filename
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The filename of the currently active file.


type : Path
default :
name : The filename pattern
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The pattern of the filename. Use hashes ‘#’ for wildcards which will be filled in with numbers. This Parameter must be set if scan_for_all is False.


type : Path
default :
name : First file name
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The name of the first file for a file series or of the hdf5 file in case of hdf5 file input.


type : Path
default :
name : Last file name
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Used only for file series: The name of the last file to be used for this app or tool.


type : int
default : 1
name : File stepping
choices : None
allow_None : False
tooltip : The step width (in files), A value n > 1 will only process every n-th file.


type : Hdf5key
default : /entry/data/data
name : Hdf5 dataset key
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Used only for hdf5 files: The dataset key.


type : int
default : 0
name : Frame number
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : For hdf5 image files: The frame number in the dataset


type : int
default : 0
name : First image number
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The first image in the hdf5-dataset to be used.


type : int
default : -1
name : Last image number
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The last image in the hdf5-dataset to be used. The value -1 will default to the last image.


type : int
default : 1
name : Hdf5 dataset stepping
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The step width (in frames). A value n > 1 will only process every n-th frame.


type : int
default : 0
name : Hdf5 frame slicing axes
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The slicing axes to identify the frame by its number in the full dataset. For example, if the frame has the axes (frame index, x, y), the slicing axes would be 0. To use the full dataset, set the slicing axis to None. A None setting will also ignore the hdf5 frame number Parameter.


type : Path
default :
name : Background image file
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The name of the file used for background correction.


type : Hdf5key
default : /entry/data/data
name : Background image Hdf5 dataset key
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : For hdf5 background image files: The dataset key.


type : int
default : 0
name : Background image number
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : For hdf5 background image files: The image number in the dataset


type : int
default : -1
name : Images per file
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of images in the file. For hdf5 files, this corresponds to the number of frames in the hdf5 dataset. A value -1 auto-discovers the number of images per file.


type : int
default : 1
name : Processed images per file
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of images per file pydidas counted from the first file.


type : Path
default :
name : Directory path
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The absolute path of the directory to be used.


type : str
default : _data_000001.h5
name : Eiger filename suffix
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The suffix to be appended to the filename pattern to get the full filename for the data file.


type : str
default : eiger9m
name : Eiger directory key
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The name of the sub-directory for each scan in which the Eiger detector writes its data files.


type : str
default : float 64 bit
name : Datatype
choices : [‘boolean (1 bit integer)’, ‘float 16 bit’, ‘float 32 bit’, ‘float 64 bit’, ‘float 128 bit’, ‘int 8 bit’, ‘int 16 bit’, ‘int 32 bit’, ‘int 64 bit’, ‘ unsigned int 8 bit’, ‘ unsigned int 16 bit’, ‘ unsigned int 32 bit’, ‘ unsigned int 64 bit’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The data type to be used for decoding. Note that numpy data types are used for decoding with native byteorder.


type : int
default : 0
name : Raw shape x
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The x shape of the raw data file. Following the python convention,the first axis is y and the second axis is x.


type : int
default : 0
name : Raw shape y
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The y shape of the raw data file. Following the python convention,the first axis is y and the second axis is x.


type : int
default : 0
name : Raw file header length
choices : None
unit : bytes
allow_None : False
tooltip : The length of the file header in bytes. The header will not be decoded as image data.


type : int
default : 2
name : Number of frame to use
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of frames to be loaded and included in the stack. Frames are loaded starting with the first frame index and thus allow a rolling average over the frames.





type : int
default : 4
name : Number of MP workers
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of multiprocessing workers. Note that this number should not be set too high for two reasons:
1. File reading processes interfere with each other if too many are active at once.
2. pyFAI already inherently uses parallelization and you can only gain limited performance increases for multiple parallel processes.


type : float
default : 100
name : Shared buffer size limit
choices : None
unit : MB
allow_None : False
tooltip : A shared buffer is used to efficiently transport data between the main App and multiprocessing Processes. This buffer must be large enough to store at least one instance of all result data.


type : int
default : 20
name : Buffer dataframe limit
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The maximum number of datasets in the buffer. A dataset consists of all results for one frame. For performance reasons, the buffer should not be too large.


type : float
default : 100
name : Maximum image size
choices : None
unit : Mpx
allow_None : False
tooltip : The maximum size (in megapixels) of images.


type : bool
default : False
name : Use detector mask
choices : [True, False]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Flag to use a detector mask file and value. If False, no detector mask will be used.


type : float
default : 0
name : Masked pixels display value
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The value to be used for the pixels masked on the detector. Note that this value will only be used for displaying the images. For pyFAI integration, the pixels will be fully masked and not be included.


type : int
default : 0
name : Mosaic tiling border width
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The width of the border inserted between adjacent frames in the mosaic creation.


type : float
default : 0
name : Mosaic border value
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The value to be put in the border pixels in mosaics.


type : str
default : Process in GUI
name : Run type
choices : [‘Process in GUI’, ‘Command line’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Specify how the processing shall be performed.


type : str
default :
name : Custom plugin paths
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The paths to all custom plugin locations. Individual entries must be separated by a double semicolon ;;.


type : float
default : 1.0
name : Plot update time
choices : None
allow_None : False
unit : s
tooltip : The delay before any plot updates will be processed. This will prevent multiple frequent update of plots.


type : float
default : 0.07
name : Histogram outlier fraction (high)
choices : None
allow_None : False
unit :
tooltip : The fraction of pixels with high values which will be ignored when cropping the histogram for 2d plots. A value of 0.07 will mask all sensor gaps in the Eiger detector.


type : float
default : 0.02
name : Histogram outlier fraction (low)
choices : None
allow_None : False
unit :
tooltip : The fraction of pixels with low values which will be ignored when cropping the histogram for 2d plots.


type : str
default : Gray
name : Default colormap
choices : None
allow_None : False
unit :
tooltip : The default colormap used in pydidas plots.


type : str
default : #9AFEFF
name : Color for invalid data / no data
choices : None
allow_None : False
unit :
tooltip : The RGB color used to fill missing or invalid data points. Invalid data points are labeled with np.NaN values.





type : int
default : 0
name : Live processing
choices : [True, False]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Set live processing to True if the files do not yet exist at process startup. This will skip checks on file existence and size.


type : str
default :
name : Node label
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : A label for identifying the Plugin node in the results. Internally, all Plugins are identified by their node IDs, this additional label is merely a handle for easier human identification.


type : bool
default : False
name : Always store results
choices : [True, False]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Flag to force pydidas to keep the results of this plugin available even if it is intermediary data and would normally not be stored.


type : tuple
default : (0, 0, 0)
name : Hdf5 dataset shape
choices : None
allow_None : False
tooltip : The shape of the hdf5 dataset. This corresponds to (number of images, image size y, image size x).


type : int
default : 0
name : Subtract background image
choices : [True, False]
allow_None : False
tooltip : Keyword to toggle usage of background subtraction.


type : int
default : 0
name : Total number of images
choices : None
unit :
tooltip : The toal number of images in the composite images.


type : int
default : 0
name : Total number of files
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The total number of selected files.


type : int
default : 1
name : Number of images in x
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of original images combined in the composite image in x direction. A value of -1 will determine the number of images in x direction automatically based on the number of images in y direction.


type : int
default : -1
name : Number of images in y
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of original images combined in the composite image in y direction. A value of -1 will determine the number of images in y direction automatically based on the number of images in x direction.


type : str
default : x
name : Preferred composite direction
choices : [‘x’, ‘y’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The ‘fast’ direction of the composite image. This dimension will be filled first before going to the next row/column.


type : str
default : None
name : Raw image operation
choices : [None, ‘Flip left/right’, ‘Flip up/down’, ‘Rot 180deg’, ‘Rot 90deg clockwise’, ‘Rot 90deg counter-clockwise’]
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The image operation applied to each raw image prior to merging it in the composite image. This allows to adjust the image orientation with respect to the scan.


type : str
default : left-to-right
name : X orientation direction
choices : [‘left-to-right’, ‘right-to-left’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The direction of how images are inserted into the composite in x direction. Left-to-right starts with low indices (python standard) whereas right-to-left will insert image at the max index position first.


type : str
default : top-to-bottom
name : Y orientation direction
choices : [‘top-to-bottom’, ‘bottom-to-top’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The direction of how images are inserted into the composite in y direction. Top-to-bottom starts with low indices (python standard) whereas bottom-to-top will insert image at the max index position first. Note that the display may be flipped with the origin at the bottom.


type : int
default : 0
name : First index
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The first index to be used for the file series.


type : int
default : 0
name : Last index
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The last index to be used for the file series.


type : int
default : 0
name : Global frame index
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The global index of the frame to be processed. Note: The first frame number is always 0, irrespective of any offsets in the filenames.


type : int
default : 0
name : Detector image number
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector image number, as files are written to disk.


type : float
default : None
name : Upper limit
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper limit of data selection. This point is included in the data. Note that the selection is either in indices or data range, depending on the value of ‘type_selection’. A limit of ‘None’ will set no upper limit.


type : float
default : None
name : Lower limit
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The lower limit of data selection. This point is included in the data. Note that the selection is either in indices or data range, depending on the value of ‘type_selection’. A limit of ‘None’ will set no lower limit.


type : float
default : None
name : Upper limit axis 0 (y)
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper limit of data selection. This point is included in the data. Note that the selection is either in indices or data range, depending on the value of ‘type_selection’. A limit of ‘None’ will set no upper limit.


type : float
default : None
name : Lower limit axis 0 (y)
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The lower limit of data selection. This point is included in the data. Note that the selection is either in indices or data range, depending on the value of ‘type_selection’. A limit of ‘None’ will set no lower limit.


type : float
default : None
name : Upper limit axis 1 (x)
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper limit of data selection. This point is included in the data. Note that the selection is either in indices or data range, depending on the value of ‘type_selection’. A limit of ‘None’ will set no upper limit.


type : float
default : None
name : Lower limit axis 1 (x)
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The lower limit of data selection. This point is included in the data. Note that the selection is either in indices or data range, depending on the value of ‘type_selection’. A limit of ‘None’ will set no lower limit.


type : int
default : 0
name : Autosave results
choices : [True, False]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Save the results automatically after finishing processing. The results for each plugin will be saved in a separete file (or files if multiple formats have been selected).


type : Path
default :
name : Autosave directory
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The directory for autosave files.


type : str
default : HDF5
name : Autosave formats
choices : [None, ‘HDF5’]
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The file format(s) for the data to be saved after the workflow has been excuted. All data will be saved in a single folder for each run with one file for each plugin.


type : Path
default :
name : Output filename
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The output filename for the data export.


type : str
default : No selection
name : Select node result to display
choices : [‘No selection’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The selected node of the WorkflowTree to display the corresponding results.


type : str
default : HDF5
name : Save to format
choices : [None, ‘HDF5’]
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The file format(s) for saving the data. All data will be saved in a single folder for each run.


type : int
default : False
name : Enable overwriting
choices : [False, True]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Allow overwriting of existing files and writing in existing folders. If this Parameter is True, no further confirmation will be asked and no further warning will be displayed.


type : int
default : False
name : Use scan timeline
choices : [True, False]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Keyword to toggle using a scan timeline with only one dimension instead of all scan dimensions.


type : int
default : True
name : Use data range
choices : [True, False]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Keyword to toggle using a the data range instead of the indices for selecting data.


type : int
default : False
name : Scan for all new files
choices : [False, True]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Scan for all new files and not only files matching the input pattern.


type : int
default : -1
name : Result dimensionality
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The total number of dimensions in the result dataset.


type : int
default : 0
name : The ative node
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The node ID of the currently selected node.


type : str
default : Data values
name : Data selection
choices : [‘Data values’, ‘Indices’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Select between using the axis values (in the respective.unit) and the axis indices.


type : int
default : 0
name : Data axis no. 1 for plot
choices : [0]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The axis which is to be used as the first axis in the plot of the results.


type : int
default : 1
name : Data axis no. 2 for plot
choices : [0, 1]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The axis which is to be used as the second axis in the plot of the results.


type : str
default : orange
name : Plot overlay color
choices : [‘orange’, ‘blue’, ‘red’, ‘green’, ‘purple’, ‘cyan’, ‘gray’, ‘black’, ‘white’]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Set the display color for the overlay items (markers and shapes) in the plot.


type : float
default : None
name : Lower mask threshold
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The lower threshold for the mask. If any finite value (i.e. not np.nan or None) is used, the value of any pixels with a value below the threshold will be masked. A value of np.nan or None will ignore the threshold.


type : float
default : None
name : Upper mask threshold
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper threshold for the mask. If any finite value (i.e. not np.nan or None) is used, the value of any pixels with a value above the threshold will be masked. A value of np.nan or None will ignore the threshold.


type : int
default : 0
name : Grow/shrink masked regions
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The masked region can be grown (morphological dilation) or shrunk (morphological erosion), based on the input value. A value >0 will grow the masked region by the specified amounts in pixels, a value less than zero will erode the masked regions by the specified amount.


type : int
default : 1
name : Grow/shrink iterations
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of iterations to apply the erosion/dilation operation on the masked region.


type : int
default : -1
name : Process data dimension
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : This parameter determines which data dimension should be processed if the input data dimensionality is larger than the processing dimensionality. The default of -1 will always use the last data dimension.


type : int
default : True
name : Check for updates
choices : [False, True]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : This parameter allows the user to activate/deactivate the automatic checking for updates at startup.





type : float
default : 1
name : X-ray wavelength
choices : None
unit : A
allow_None : False
tooltip : The X-ray wavelength. Any changes to the wavelength will also update the X-ray energy setting.


type : float
default : 12.398
name : X-ray energy
choices : None
unit : keV
allow_None : False
tooltip : The X-ray energy. Changing this parameter will also update the X-ray wavelength setting.


type : str
default : detector
name : Detector name
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector name in pyFAI nomenclature.


type : int
default : 0
name : Detector size X
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of detector pixels in x direction (horizontal).


type : int
default : 0
name : Detector size Y
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The number of detector pixels in x direction (vertical).


type : float
default : 100
name : Detector pixel size X
choices : None
unit : um
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector pixel size in X-direction.


type : float
default : 100
name : Detector pixel size Y
choices : None
unit : um
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector pixel size in Y-direction.


type : float
default : 100
name : Detector pixel size
choices : None
unit : um
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector pixel size in both X- and Y-direction.


type : float
default : 1
name : Sample-detector distance
choices : None
unit : m
allow_None : False
tooltip : The sample-detector distance.


type : Path
default :
name : Detector mask file
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The path to the detector mask file.


type : float
default : 0
name : Detector PONI1
choices : None
unit : m
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector PONI1 (point of normal incidence; in y direction). This is measured in meters from the detector origin.


type : float
default : 0
name : Detector PONI2
choices : None
unit : m
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector PONI2 (point of normal incidence; in x direction). This is measured in meters from the detector origin.


type : float
default : 0
name : Detector Rot1
choices : None
unit : rad
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector rotation 1 (lefthanded around the “up”-axis)


type : float
default : 0
name : Detector Rot2
choices : None
unit : rad
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector rotation 2 (pitching the detector; positive direction is tilting the detector top upstream while keeping the bottom of the detector stationary.


type : float
default : 0
name : Detector Rot3
choices : None
unit : rad
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector rotation 3 (around the beam axis; right-handed when looking downstream with the beam.)


type : float
default : 0
name : Beamcenter x
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector x-coordinate for the beamcenter.


type : float
default : 0
name : Beamcenter y
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector y-coordinate for the beamcenter.


type : float
default : 0
name : detector tilt angle
choices : None
unit : deg
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector tilt angle (relative to the beam normal).


type : float
default : 0
name : detector tilt plane
choices : None
unit : deg
allow_None : False
tooltip : The detector tilt plane orientation (relative to positive x-axis).


type : float
default : 1
name : Sample-detector distance
choices : None
unit : mm
allow_None : False
tooltip : The sample-detector distance.

Image ops#




type : int
default : 0
name : Use ROI
choices : [True, False]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Keyword to toggle use of the ROI for cropping the original images before processing them.


type : int
default : 0
name : ROI lower x limit
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The lower boundary (in pixel) for cropping images in x, if use_roi is enabled. Negative values will be modulated with the image width.


type : int
default : None
name : ROI upper x limit
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper boundary (in pixel) for cropping images in x, if use_roi is enabled. Negative values will be modulated with the image width, i.e. -1 is equivalent with the full image size minus 1. To take the full image, use ‘None’ as value for the upper ROI limit.


type : int
default : 0
name : ROI lower y limit
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The lower boundary (in pixel) for cropping images in y, if use_roi is enabled. Negative values will be modulated with the image width.


type : int
default : None
name : ROI upper y limit
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper boundary (in pixel) for cropping images in y, if use_roi is enabled. Negative values will be modulated with the image width, i.e. -1 is equivalent with the full image size minus 1. To take the full image, use ‘None’ as value for the upper ROI limit.


type : int
default : 0
name : Use thresholds
choices : [True, False]
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Keyword to toggle use of the thresholds for clipping the data range in the original images before combining them.


type : float
default : None
name : Lower threshold
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The lower threshold of the image. If any finite value (i.e. not np.nan or None) is used, the value of any pixels with a value below the threshold will be replaced by the threshold value. A value of np.nan or None will ignore the threshold.


type : float
default : None
name : Upper threshold
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper threshold of the image. If any finite value (i.e. not np.nan or None) is used, the value of any pixels with a value below the threshold will be replaced by the threshold value. A value of np.nan or None will ignore the threshold.


type : int
default : 1
name : Binning factor
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The re-binning factor for the images in the composite. The binning will be applied to the cropped images.


type : tuple
default : (0, 0)
name : Image shape
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The shape of an image.


type : tuple
default : (0, 0)
name : Raw image shape
choices : None
unit : px
allow_None : False
tooltip : The image shape of the original image as loaded from the file.


type : None
default : <class ‘numpy.float32’>
name : Datatype
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The datatype.


type : float
default : 1.0
name : Multiplication factor
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : The multiplication scaling factor to be applied to the resulting Dataset.





type : float
default : 0.25
name : Fit σ rejection threshold
choices : None
allow_None : False
unit :
tooltip : The threshold to select which fitting points to reject, based on the normalized standard deviation. Any fit which has a normalized std which is worse than the threshold will be rejected as failed.


type : float
default : None
name : Minimum peak height to fit
choices : None
allow_None : True
unit :
tooltip : The minimum height a peak must have to attempt a fit. A value of ‘None’ will not impose any limits on the peak height.


type : str
default : Gaussian
name : Fit function
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : False
tooltip : Select the type of fit function to be used in the single peak fit.


type : int
default : 0
name : Fit background order
choices : [None, 0, 1]
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The order of the background. None corresponds to no background.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak fit upper limit
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper limit (in the x-axis´ unit) to the fit region. None corresponds to using no upper limit but the data limits.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak fit lower limit
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The lower limit (in the x-axis´ unit) to the fit region. None corresponds to using no upper limit but the data limits.


type : str
default : position; area; FWHM
name : Output
choices : [‘no output’, ‘position’, ‘amplitude’, ‘area’, ‘FWHM’, ‘background at peak’, ‘total count intensity’, ‘position; amplitude’, ‘position; area’, ‘position; FWHM’, ‘position; background at peak’, ‘position; total count intensity’, ‘amplitude; area’, ‘amplitude; FWHM’, ‘amplitude; background at peak’, ‘amplitude; total count intensity’, ‘area; FWHM’, ‘area; background at peak’, ‘area; total count intensity’, ‘FWHM; background at peak’, ‘FWHM; total count intensity’, ‘background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘position; amplitude; area’, ‘position; amplitude; FWHM’, ‘position; amplitude; background at peak’, ‘position; amplitude; total count intensity’, ‘position; area; FWHM’, ‘position; area; background at peak’, ‘position; area; total count intensity’, ‘position; FWHM; background at peak’, ‘position; FWHM; total count intensity’, ‘position; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘amplitude; area; FWHM’, ‘amplitude; area; background at peak’, ‘amplitude; area; total count intensity’, ‘amplitude; FWHM; background at peak’, ‘amplitude; FWHM; total count intensity’, ‘amplitude; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘area; FWHM; background at peak’, ‘area; FWHM; total count intensity’, ‘area; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘FWHM; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘position; amplitude; area; FWHM’, ‘position; amplitude; area; background at peak’, ‘position; amplitude; area; total count intensity’, ‘position; amplitude; FWHM; background at peak’, ‘position; amplitude; FWHM; total count intensity’, ‘position; amplitude; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘position; area; FWHM; background at peak’, ‘position; area; FWHM; total count intensity’, ‘position; area; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘position; FWHM; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘amplitude; area; FWHM; background at peak’, ‘amplitude; area; FWHM; total count intensity’, ‘amplitude; area; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘amplitude; FWHM; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘area; FWHM; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘position; amplitude; area; FWHM; background at peak’, ‘position; amplitude; area; FWHM; total count intensity’, ‘position; amplitude; area; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘position; amplitude; FWHM; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘position; area; FWHM; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘amplitude; area; FWHM; background at peak; total count intensity’, ‘position; amplitude; area; FWHM; background at peak; total count intensity’]
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The output of the fitting plugin. The plugin can either return the peak area, the peak position or the FWHM. Alternatively, any combination of these values can be retured as well. Note that the fit parameters are always stored in the metadata.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak low x boundary
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The lower boundary in x for the center position of the peak to be fitted.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #0 low x boundary
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The lower boundary in x for the center position of the 0th peak to be fitted.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #1 low x boundary
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The lower boundary in x for the center position of the 1st peak to be fitted.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #2 low x boundary
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The lower boundary in x for the center position of the 2nd peak to be fitted.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #3 low x boundary
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The lower boundary in x for the center position of the 3rd peak to be fitted.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak high x boundary
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper boundary in x for the center position of the peak to be fitted.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #0 high x boundary
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper boundary in x for the center position of the 0th peak to be fitted.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #1 high x boundary
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper boundary in x for the center position of the 1st peak to be fitted.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #2 high x boundary
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper boundary in x for the center position of the 2nd peak to be fitted.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #3 high x boundary
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The upper boundary in x for the center position of the 3rd peak to be fitted.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak fit x0 start guess
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The starting guess for the parameter value for the peak center position in x. Note: This is only the starting value for the fit, not a fixed value.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #0 fit x0 start guess
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The starting guess for the parameter value for the peak center position in x. Note: This is only the starting value for the fit, not a fixed value.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #1 fit x0 start guess
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The starting guess for the parameter value for the peak center position in x. Note: This is only the starting value for the fit, not a fixed value.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #2 fit x0 start guess
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The starting guess for the parameter value for the peak center position in x. Note: This is only the starting value for the fit, not a fixed value.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #3 fit x0 start guess
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The starting guess for the parameter value for the peak center position in x. Note: This is only the starting value for the fit, not a fixed value.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak fit σ or Γ start guess
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The starting guess for the parameter value for the fit sigma/gamma peak width. Note: This is only the starting value for the fit, not a fixed value.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #0 fit σ or Γ start guess
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The starting guess for the parameter value for the fit sigma/gamma peak width. Note: This is only the starting value for the fit, not a fixed value.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #1 fit σ or Γ start guess
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The starting guess for the parameter value for the fit sigma/gamma peak width. Note: This is only the starting value for the fit, not a fixed value.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #2 fit σ or Γ start guess
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The starting guess for the parameter value for the fit sigma/gamma peak width. Note: This is only the starting value for the fit, not a fixed value.


type : float
default : None
name : Peak #3 fit σ or Γ start guess
choices : None
unit :
allow_None : True
tooltip : The starting guess for the parameter value for the fit sigma/gamma peak width. Note: This is only the starting value for the fit, not a fixed value.