Tutorial for the ExecuteWorkflowApp#


The ExecuteWorkflowApp is one of the most important objects in pydidas as it allows to process workflows. Note that most of the configuration is not performed by the ExecuteWorkflowApp itself but by the global objects for ScanContext, DiffractionExperimentContext, and WorkflowTree.

Documentation on the use of these objects is given in The ScanContext class, The DiffractionExperimentContext class and The WorkflowTree class, respectively.

Globally controlled settings#

Some settings for parallel processing additionally used by the ExecuteWorkflowApp are controlled globally by pydidas. These are:

  • The number of parallel worker processes (global/mp_n_workers)

  • The size of the data exchange buffer (in MB) (global/shared_buffer_size)

  • The number of datasets which can be held in the buffer (global/shared_buffer_max_n)

Because these settings will typically be set up once for each workstation and then reused quite often, they have been implemented as global pydidas QSettings.

The default values for multiprocessing are 4 worker processes, a maximum shared buffer size of 100 MB and a maximum of 20 datasets in the buffer. These settings should normally work quite well and it is not recommended to change them without thorough thought.


For standard applications, the number of independent processes should not be increased because pyFAI uses inherent multiprocessing in addition to the pydidas multiprocessing and synergies can only be achieved by parallelizing the processing and data loading.

Loading from disk with too many processes also slows all processes down as the processes interfere with each other for file access to disk.

Only plugins with long serial computations (e.g. fitting, depending on the implementation) might benefit from more processes but this has to be weighted against disk access to the raw data.

The global detector mask file must be specified with the full and absolute path. The detector mask can be supplied in any image format.

To modify these values, the user needs to create a QSettings instance and adjust these values, if required:

>>> import pydidas
>>> config = pydidas.core.PydidasQsettings()
>>> config.set_value('global/mp_n_workers', 2)

Setup of the ExecuteWorkflowApp#

The ExecuteWorkflowApp has only a very limited number of Parameters because it uses the aforementioned objects ( ScanContext, DiffractionExperimentContext, and WorkflowTree) which include most of the required configuration.

In the app, only the flags for live processing and for automatic saving of results need to be set.

Live processing#

The live processing flag determines whether pydidas will check all files at the start of processing or accept file names without corresponding written files. This flag is modified using the live_processing Parameter:

>>> import pydidas
>>> app = pydidas.apps.ExecuteWorkflowApp()
>>> app.set_param_value('live_processing', True)

Automatic saving#

The ExecuteWorkflowApp includes the possibility to write results dynamically to disk as soon as they have been processed. The behaviour is controlled by the autosave_results``flag. A parent directory for all results must be defined using the :py:data:`autosave_dir Parameter and the saving format can be selected using the autosave_format Parameter. The different formats are predefined and only implemented formats can be chosen. To query the available choices, please look at the code in the example below:

>>> import pydidas
>>> app = pydidas.apps.ExecuteWorkflowApp()

# We will activate the auto-saving and specify the path:
>>> app.set_param_value('autosave_results', True)
>>> app.set_param_value('autosave_dir', '/scratch/data/scan42_results')

# To check, for the available formats, we need to get the Parameter and check
# its choices property:
>>> app.get_param('autosave_format').choices
['None', 'HDF5']

# Now, update the formats:
>>> app.set_param_value('autosave_format', 'HDF5')


Note that auto-saving each frame will result will have a significant performance cost because the output files will need to be accessed for each processed scan point. Using auto-saving is only encouraged for very long processing times, e.g. multiple fittings for each scan data point.

Running the ExecuteWorkflowApp#

Once configured, the ExecuteWorkflowApp is run like any pydidas app, as described in detail in Running pydidas applications.

As a recap, to run the app serially, use the run method:

>>> import pydidas
>>> app = pydidas.apps.ExecuteWorkflowApp()
>>> app.run()

To run it utilizing parallelization, set up an AppRunner and use the start method:

>>> app = pydidas.apps.ExecuteWorkflowApp()
>>> runner = pydidas.multiprocessing.AppRunner(app)
>>> runner.start()
# After running, get the updated app with the results back:
>>> app = runner.get_app()

Accessing results#

Using autosave#

If autosave has been enabled, the results are written to files and can be accessed externally by any program which can read the defined data type.


Please be advised that accessing the data while processing is still running can corrupt the output files and make them illegible.

Accessing results within Python#

The results from the ExecuteWorkflowApp are written in the global WorkflowResults (the Singleton instance of WorkflowResults) which is described in detail in The WorkflowResults class.

List of all ExecuteWorkflowApp Parameters#

  • live_processing (type: bool, default: False)

    Set live processing to True if the files do not yet exist at process startup. This will skip checks on file existence and size.

  • autosave_results (type: bool, default: False)

    Save the results automatically after finishing processing. The results for each plugin will be saved in a separete file (or files if multiple formats have been selected).

  • autosave_dir (type: Union[str, Path], default: [empty])

    The directory for autosave files.

  • autosave_format (type: str, default: ‘HDF5’)

    The file format(s) for the data to be saved after the workflow has been excuted. All data will be saved in a single folder for each run with one file for each plugin. Note that the Parameter choices are defined in pydidas and the value can only correspond to any of these choices.