Composite image creator frame#

The Composite image creator frame is a graphical interface to configure the CompositeCreatorApp and to visualize the results.

After starting the frame, only the menu for editing the Parameters is enabled (orange frame in the image below). For the tutorial about editing Parameters, please visit Editing Parameters in the GUI. The full list of Parameters and their description is given at the end in Full list of Composite image creator Parameters.

After setting the required Parameters, the app control panel (yellow frame in the image below) will become enabled and the user can start processing.

The processed composite image will be shown on the right side of the frame (blue area in the image below).


Control buttons#

Clear all entries#


The “Clear all entries” button at the top will reset all inputs to their default values. Note that no confirmation will be asked of the user.

Generate composite#


Once the bare minimum Parameters have been selected (this is the first file name and in case of an Hdf5 file the dataset), the “Generate composite” button will be enabled. Clicking the button starts an AppRunner process which loads and processes the images in parallel processes.

Once clicked, the “Generate composite” button will be disabled and a progress bar as well as an “Abort” button will appear:


The progress bar will update with each received image and it shows the global processing progress. The “Abort” button will stop the AppRunner. Any data received by the Frame up to this point will be kept but the rest of the composite image will only consist of zeros. The progress bar and “Abort” button will be hidden again after the Composite creation has finished.


After starting the AppRunner, it is normal that the first results need a few seconds to arrive because the new processes need to be started and load all required python packages.

Show composite#


During processing, the composite image is automatically updated. If the uses requires an additional manual update, the “Show composite” button can be used to perform this update.

Save composite image#


The “Save composite image” button opens a dialogue to select a file name. The image type is determined automatically based on the selected file extension. A filter for all supported data types can be selected at the bottom of the dialogue.

Result visualization#


Results are visualized in a PydidasPlot2d, described below:

Pydidas 2D plot#

The PydidasPlot2d is a subclassed silx Plot2d with additional features useful in pydidas.

  • The menu

    The menu bar allows access to all generic silx and additional pydidas functionality. The detailed menu icons and actions are described below in the menu entries description.

  • The image display

    This widget shows the image data. Depending on the zoom level, this is either the full image or a sub-region.

  • The colorbar

    The colorbar shows the reference for the used colormap to map data levels to colors.

  • The position information

    This widget displays the coordinates and data values of the data under the mouse cursor.

Two-dimensional plots are presented in a silx Plot2D widget. The toolbar options will be explained in detail below. Moving the mouse over the canvas will update the labels for x/y position and data value at the bottom of the canvas. Note that the x and y axis positions for each pixel are defined at the pixel center and the given values must be treated carefully with respect to the pixel shape, especially for coarse pixels.


The scaling of the results can be achieved by modifying the colormap settings.

Full list of Composite image creator Parameters#